Botswana Society for the Deaf


Key Milestones & Events

Spelling Bee 2023

Botswana Society for the Deaf was sent an invitation to attend he National Spelling Bee Competition 2023, in which was honored and attended by I, Tlotlo Mathuba at Palapye Cresta Botsalo. On the 21st August 2023, I and the RCDE, departed for Palapye and arrived safely. On the 22nd August, 2023 all the participating schools in the National Spelling Bee went on a tour to Makoro Bricks and Tile to see how sand is turned into bricks and sold.

The theme of this year’s competition was “Developing Self Confidence, Vocabulary and the ability to thrive under pressure”. The 23rd August, 2023 was the official opening of the 9th edition of the National Spelling Bee 2023 competition which started at 1400hrs in which RCDE, FCDE and RSS which are Deaf schools took part in. RCDE was the defending champions after battling against the blind and the visually challenged the previous year, from Linchwe JSS who seconded them.

Batanani Walk 2023

Mascom walked for Botswana Society for the Deaf in August, 2022 and handed over a dummy cheque to that effect. They have recently handed over equipment worth P183 090.00 bought from the proceeds of the Mascom Batanani Charity Walk on Friday 11th August, 2023 at Francistown Centre for Deaf Education. Ms. Mathumo, School Head, welcomed all who graced the event, and amongst the guests was Ms. Barbara Gotlop, Communications and Public Relations Manager, Mascom whilst Mr Olekantse, North East Region Acting Director and Botswana Society for the Deaf Ex Officio gave a vote of thanks. Thank you Francistown Centre for Deaf Education participated at the 5th Edition of the Mascom Batanani walk which was on Saturday 12th, August 2023 at Francistown Council Stadium. Mr Makhani and two students represented the Centre. You made us proud!!!!

A day in their shoes 2023

Botswana Society for the Deaf hosted a football tournament for the Deaf community as a way of building inclusive communities and raising awareness. The Deaf team Black Eagles had a chance to participate in this tournament.

Deaf Wellness Day 2023

Ramotswa Centre for Deaf Education Wellness Day under the theme: Good Health Post Covid Pandemic, embracing Deaf Culture. Many activities were done on the day, starting with a walk to promote a healthier lifestyle and encourage our Deaf children and employees to live healthily, balancing physical activities, nutritional and mental wellbeing to keep their bodies in good condition.

International Deaf Awareness Week 2022

Deaf Awareness week is internationally recognized and celebrated by many Organizations across the globe. During this week the Deaf Community celebrate their success, share ideas and experiences about their lives. They also sensitize the public about their challenges and raise more awareness on their existence and their needs. It is also a platform of interacting with service providers representing various sectors from Government, Parastatals, Corporate Companies, NGO’s and individuals. Different stakeholders are challenged to introspect on current systems and services to the Deaf to see what can be improved to better assist the Deaf. During this time they advocate and lobby for change and inclusion.

 Main objective                             

To create awareness on the language challenges of the Deaf in Botswana and to advocate for inclusiveness at all levels through sign language.

Parents of the Deaf Workshop 2021

In a bid to tackle the varying issues that plague the deaf community, Botswana Society for the Deaf has recently formed the “Parents of the deaf Association”. The formation of this association was intended to create a psychosocial support system for parents of the deaf, many a times BSD has noted incidences whereby parents who discover that their children are deaf tend to struggle to adjust to the life changing condition, this struggle then affects the deaf in the sense that young members of the deaf community do not receive full and adequate support from their guardians and primary care givers.

The Parents of the deaf sign language workshop was held at Ramotswa Center for Deaf Education, attended by over 30 guardians who engaged in discussions and engaging activities intended to capacitate them to offer the best care to their children.

Each year, the workshop is held between  the North and South regions interchangeably.

Courtesy visit of the First Lady to RCDE

On the 10th of September 2020, the First Lady of the Republic of Botswana  Mma Atsile visited RCDE, her visit was indeed a nod of approval to BSD for the work done in deaf advocacy and empowerment, during her visit, she donated a sewing machine to BSD and highlighted that the efforts and strides taken are recognized and seen.

For the team and staff of RCDE, the visit was highly welcome as it further creates awareness on BSD and the two Centres, Furthermore the Minister of Mineral Resources, Green Technology and Energy Security and MP for Ramotswa also visited the centre.

Empowered to vote.

A flagship event that focused on democratic inclusion of the deaf in Botswana, BSD pioneered the Empowered to Vote event which took place on the 15th of November 2018 at the University of Botswana. The key objective of the event was for the deaf community of Botswana to be empowered to vote through extensive knowledge of the benefits of voting and what each political party in Botswana has to offer.

The event rationale was based on observations made by BSD that led to the realization that there is gap in the information that the Deaf community receives in being politically knowledgeable with basic voting rights and procedures as well as party manifestos.

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